Corona Se Darona | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee April 23, 2020

Corona Se Darona

By Kavira Akash with 6.3

ad film · Short Films · hindi

The pandemic of Coronavirus has been accompanied by a deluge of fake news around it that threatens to easily send anyone into panic. Doing its bit is this ad film which reminds the viewer that there indeed is nothing to be fearful of as long as we are following the safety protocol put in place by the authorities.

From regularly washing your hands to always covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing, the film further reminds its audience of simple practices to safeguard your health and of those around you. It is simply a putting together of suggestions by different people for the benefit of the viewer. When weaved in a comprehensive manner, they are intended to be impactful while also being easy to incorporate in your life.
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