The Last Letter | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee October 7, 2021

The Last Letter

By Aadeep Sharma with 6.7

drama · Short Films · hindi

The last letter is a sweet, endearing tale of two old-school lovers and their conversations, carried out over shy, fond letters. The communication continued for many years, until an untimely, unfortunate separation. Alok and Anita met as teenagers in a classical dance and music class where the protagonist’s comforting smile and composure attracted and soothed a nervous Anita. Both grew to enjoy and treasure each other’s company, writing and dedicating poems to one another.

Alok, now a talented voice artist, is unable to move past the loss of his confidant, life partner and best friend, Anita. He resorts to drowning his sorrows in alcohol and re-reading the many lovely, written exchanges with his wife. Through the portrayal of these events, the film conjures a conversation on love, loss, grief and the manner in which all of them come to define and mould life.
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