The Ant and the Sugar | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee December 9, 2020

The Ant and the Sugar

By VM Vijaya with 6.5

drama · Short Films · kannada

Marked by a complete absence of dialogues, the plot only uses gestures, glances and facial exchanges to share its story with you. Once the opening shots have established the insides of a local grocery store, we are introduced to the shopkeeper who sits by himself, enjoying his music. Soon a little boy visits with an order of a kilogram of sugar.

The film henceforth starts a conversation on the innocence of an unsuspecting child which is in direct contrast with the dishonest intentions of the adults who inhabit his world. However, despite being convinced that he has managed to trick the little boy and successfully cut corners from the order, what unexpected turn, that would also hold a mirror to this unfair act, awaits the seller?
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