She is Fear | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee December 21, 2020

She is Fear

By Shruti Ranavade with 6.6

drama · Short Films · hindi

We live in a society and country where headlines about violence against women do not cease to shock us on a regular basis. Marked by a complete absence of dialogues, the short film draws the viewer's attention to the same reality by way of the experiences of a young woman.

The protagonist approaches her surroundings with casual indifference, free from any fear of looming threats. However, we also inhabit a world which forces a deep paranoia upon women to the extent of often making their first reaction or instinct towards men one of recoil, fear and repulsion. The narrative reenforces this truth by showing how the previously indifferent woman now finds herself falling prey to these negative emotions for now she has seen and heard the news of a terrible act of sexual violation committed against a woman. As the country is consumed by the brutal Nirbhaya case, it leaves women all over the country, shaken to their very core, and the protagonist simply happens to be one of them, suggests the film.
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