My Kashmir Love Story | Short Film of the Day

Short Film of the Day May 2, 2024

My Kashmir Love Story

By Ethereal with 7.2

documentary · Short Films · hindi

Could love truly be the answer to all human conflict? Maybe yes, suggests this short film. With its detailed narrative and expert camerawork that perfectly capture the stunning images of Kashmir, My Kashmir Love Story becomes a romance with the Valley. As media headlines ravage this magnificent place, the film is a reminder of how life in Kashmir is no different from life in any other part of the world. Yes, there is turmoil, and yes, it does affect the day-to-day business of people inhabiting it, but that is only a small part of a huge picture. At the end of the day, all that anyone wants is peace.

So, though the visit to this part of India may have left the narrator feeling sad and dejected, but the hope that love will one day conquer all lives in his heart, as it does in the heart of Kashmiris.
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