Detour | Short Film of the Day

Spotlight July 12, 2024


By Sumi Mathai with 7.3

romance · Short Films · hindi

Two strangers meet in a shared cab at 3 am in Bombay - one a writer with an advertising firm, the other an investment banker. One of them has had a very long day at work, the other has an anecdote to share about a beef curry he had two days ago.

It's easy to see how the two are in completely different mental spaces, yet there's a common thread, one that often connects strangers in a big city. It could be the mad rush of it that forces them to find solace in brief encounters or moments, or it could be a divine, otherworldly connection. Detour, with its narrative most effortlessly handled by director and writer Sumi Mathai, and the convincing chemistry of Sayani Gupta and Vikrant Massey, explores these dynamics and leaves it up to the viewer to decide which is what.
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