A Letter to My Future Self | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee July 25, 2020

A Letter to My Future Self

By Rohit Sen with 6.7

poetry · Short Films · hindi

The film is a series of lovely visuals about travel and different locations weaved together for the audience's benefit. Created as a romance with the thrill and adventure of travelling, the short film ropes in several elements - poetry, an interaction with memory, nostalgia and dreams, and the tone and verve of a travelogue.

The opening note is in direct contrast with the rest of the plot, and intentionally so. As a man, on the brink of retirement and sitting by himself in shadows, is revisited by an old memory of his youth in the form of a video, a colourful, diverse and energetic narrative is brought to life on screen. The approach of the film is intimate and personal enough to erase the distinction between the protagonist and the actor himself, and it is this honesty in the storytelling which allows the short film to be a success.
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