A Bitter Pill | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee May 12, 2020

A Bitter Pill

By Ashutosh Jha with 6.6

drama · Short Films · hindi

The opening of the short film beguiles the dark, twisted reality of the world it will come to be an engagement with. A couple is headed back home from a party, and when sexuality enters the equation in their after-party moments, the woman is quick to shun all advances by her boyfriend and send him home.

He continues to make more advances, but to little avail. When the relationship seems at the brink of its end, the woman shares a disturbing experience she had to undergo recently, explaining her aversion to anything remotely sexual. By constructing the narrative that it does, the short film attempts to do its bit to add to the conversation on gender, sexual assault and the safety of women in public places.
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