Season 1
December 5, 2019
Ep 01 - The Promotion
Ep 01 - The Promotion
December 10, 2019
Ep 02 - The Ex
Ep 02 - The Ex
December 16, 2019
Ep 03 - The Getaway
Ep 03 - The Getaway
December 19, 2019
Ep 04 - The Flatmate
Ep 04 - The Flatmate
Dice Media's latest offering Brochara is primarily the story of four boys. As they navigate around their relationships, careers, friendships and life in general - the viewer is made to expect a funny and dramatic journey. Starring Dhruv Sehgal of Little Things fame, the show attempts to give a glimpse into male friendships and how they overcome various obstacles in their lives.
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