Waada | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee July 16, 2020


By Creative Splash with 6.4

poetry · Short Films · marathi

Adopting a poetic manner with a skilled voiceover, Waada presents forth a warmth-inducing narrative about memory and the past. A house is personified to introduce the viewer to the many stories that unfolded within its four walls. From the stones to the mailbox, from the balconies to the verandahs, every nook and cranny has experiences to share of a past life, leading the viewer by the hand down the road of nostalgia.

In the process, the narrative also becomes a representation of the many stages of life as well as the passage of time which halts or waits for no one. The engagement of the film with its subject matter allows it to succeed at portraying several emotions - of endearment, a sense of home and belonging as well as a longing for a life that once was, but exists no more. All of it is tied together with a narration entwined with visuals that exhibit potential, allowing the film to be a balanced experience for its audience.
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