UnBlock | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee February 17, 2022


By Praween Kumar Pandey with 6.3

thriller · Short Films · hindi

A story of four characters - Rinki, Karan, Shalu and Shakeel, 'UnBlock' attempts to weave a tale of thrill, suspense and things eventually spiralling into absolute chaos. Rinki and Karan have been speaking over social media for barely two days when the former comes down all the way from Mumbai to the latter's city for a surprise meeting. Despite the initial unease and awkwardness, things seem to be going well for the young couple until...a terrible, violent act occurs.

As the characters are consumed by its aftermath, with Rinki feeling the burden of misguided guilt and blaming herself for an irrevocable act, the conclusion of this specific tale presents itself to you. The story ends at a moment in time with the characters' fate shrouded entirely by ambiguity, perhaps leaving the door open for either subsequent parts, or the viewer's own interpretation of what has unfolded before them so far.
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