Time Machine | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee October 7, 2023

Time Machine

By Visshal Sinha with 6.7

romance · Short Films · hindi

A woman is getting late for her train, and as she waits for the cab on the side of the road, she runs into the most unexpected person from her past. Rahi finds herself face to face with Arjun, her first love with whom she had had a relationship of several years before its abrupt end. However, none of this is revealed to the viewer right away, and instead, we are presented with Shaurya, Rahi’s current partner.

As the three are confined to the car ride, the story develops. In the process, the narrative invokes first loves, mistakes, regrets, and what it means to be consumed by another person. Much of the visual development takes place in the rearview mirror of the car, a notable deliberate choice of the film.

There is also the attempt to present an interaction between two men that is controlled and mature, unlike the sense of aggression and chaos that often plagues such equations in media. The end result comes across as being sincere, heartfelt, and thus, in some aspects, endearing as well.
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