N _ _ _ U | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee August 4, 2020

N _ _ _ U

By Kiran Vernekar with 6.4

drama · Short Films · kannada

We are in a world of nightmares as the film opens. There is an empty room, someone is fallen and crawling on the floor. We see naked limbs convulsing. The next morning when the man is describing his bad dream to his roommate, he talks about a place he has never seen before, a place marked by strange noises and someone calling his name. He has the same dream again, and he reaches out to his roommate to shares his troubles.

The man is looking for all possible explanations, and considers the dream to be communicating to him something about his future. As the film progresses, and finally ends, we see that his nightmares were, indeed, communicating to him something about his life to come, but they were more of a dystopian rather than a futuristic world.
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