Remember Me | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee February 21, 2021

Remember Me

By Kiran Vijayan with 6.6

drama · Short Films · malayalam

Relationships, much like life, are wonderful in their impermanence and imperfections. Perhaps it is this particular fleetingness which allow them their charm. Another similarity between relationships and life is the unpredictability of their course, at the same time making the former only a sub-part of the latter whole. The short film is a quiet exploration of the same thought.

A couple is speaking with one another on a video call. While they discuss their day-to-day affairs, suggesting the reality of a locked down world we were all too familiar with the past year, the viewer is allowed a closer glimpse into their relationship. As they reminisce their college days, the playful banter is not entirely devoid of a little unease.

A loose remark here or a subtle tinge of regret there communicates it to you that there is more to their story than you may have assumed. When this revelation finally arrives, it carries with it the core message of the film about the forever forward moving passage of time.
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