R&B| Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee May 2, 2022


By Screenslay with 6.5

experimental · Short Films · english

The narratorial approach of the film is marked by attempted metaphors and symbolism. Its message wants to cover several issues which include past traumas, loss, abuse and a sense of social anxiety that leads to the inability to participate with one’s peers. Thoughts continue to flow in a stream of consciousness, drowning the protagonist in their current, and bringing with them triggers that lead to terrible consequences.

The twenty-two-year-old boy struggles to pay the cost of artistic genius. However, his repressed, bottled thoughts eventually find a vent. There is further the desire to invoke a cycle of violence that long-term abuse can put into place, while the abuser himself struggles to drown their sorrows in excesses.

As the long denied emotions are finally allowed an outlet, shocking developments await the protagonist and those around him. ‘R&B’, which can perhaps be read as Red and Black, thus presents its story to you, one that only blurs the line between what is real and what isn’t. Though a little raw and rough around the edges, and marked by limited resources, the final result is a dedicated attempt at storytelling.
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