Polaroid | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee September 28, 2020


By Dishant Mehta with 6.3

poetry · Short Films · hindi

Polaroid is about a man and his relationship with photographs. He sees them as time machines, as tokens of memory, as objects of nostalgia. He seems to possess a relationship of attachment with them. The film is sketched and put together through the photos he took, the photos he continues to take, and his musings about life.

Polaroid remains an endeavour to engage with one's memories and the manner in which they come to alter our understanding of our lived reality, and perhaps aims to invoke the same sentiment in the viewer. It seeks to make the mundane, beautiful and spectacular. However, it is unable to fully commit to that purpose because it is held back by the narrative which puts the man at the centre, not the world that he wishes to capture.
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