Nonda Yuvakara Sangha | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee August 16, 2020

Nonda Yuvakara Sangha

By Madhu Shivamogga with 6.5

romance · Short Films · kannada

In the spirit of celebrating the agrarian way of life, the short film takes the viewer into a classic romance where the father forbids the union of a man with his daughter for he does not have a job in the city. The film uses comical moments to further drive its message home.

Absolutely refusing to budge in the face of the requests of the male lead, the father has called a suitor for his daughter from the city. Our protagonist is now bound by a fixed duration to prove his worth. First, he attempts to move to the city, but realises that's not where his heart truly lies. Once this realisation has been achieved, only one way remains for him to win the father, to prove to him his own worth as well as that of rural life. However, will he be able to achieve all of this in the limited time he has?
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