New Eve | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee March 22, 2021

New Eve

By Gaurav Nigam with 6.4

drama · Short Films · hindi

Street sexual harassment, colloquially called 'eve-teasing', is a malice more prevalent in India than most other parts of the world. It is widespread enough to be accepted as the norm of society, with little to no resistance against it. Women and young girls are taught to ignore it, put their head down and continue living like nothing happened. This is in one of the better cases. In the worse ones, they are confined indoors, their movement closely monitored and controlled by their family members, often resulting in dropping out of schools and colleges until they are eventually married off.

The short film aims to draw your attention to all of these aspects of this particular form of harassment, also reminding you of the strength in numbers. It portrays how women can stand for one another to end this, while also not fearing guilt and shame in reporting the harasser to the authorities. Further, there is an attempt to use poetry to convey the same.
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