MindFuck | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee October 6, 2021


By Bhuwan Navin Tamta with 6.6

thriller · Short Films · hindi

The short film, broken down into five parts- intoxication, hallucination, conflict, war and conclusion, talks about the persistent and troubling internal dispute of the protagonist, the consequent fractures in his psyche and the role mind-altering substances are capable of playing in it all. A dark isolated chamber, a well-cooked pizza and a ravenous protagonist mark the beginning of a long, conflicting journey into self-realisation.

With the heightened sense of hunger as a result of perhaps hard drugs, perhaps something else in the form of denial or self-deprivation, the protagonist proceeds to take a bite from the delicious and tempting pizza, only to be prevented by a crowd of cohabitants. They could potentially represent the various functions and emotions controlled by the brain- such as greed, anger, fear, artistic abilities, breathing and sleeping, among others; which are now infiltrated by an alien substance. As the plot progresses, the conflict amongst the key characters intensifies leading to a violent and terrifying conclusion.
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