Line Of Duty | Short Film Nominee

soty finalist April 13, 2020

Line Of Duty

By Mayank Malhotra with 7.3

drama · Short Films · hindi

soty finalist
On a war front, or in the case of borders of two adjacent countries like India and Pakistan, an overarching factor that makes its presence felt is homogeneity. The same is true for the narrative of this film. They may have different names, but essentially, the soldiers and their ideologies often overlap.

Line Of Duty engages with the aforementioned thought, while also going further to explore the dynamics of the army men of two opposing countries in its own nuanced manner. The story is of a single afternoon when ideas of right and wrong, morality, courage and everything the soldiers have been trained for so far are put to question. When a natural disaster strikes the two camps, would it differentiate between their nationalities, and more importantly, would the personnel and officers find themselves united in their tragedy or would ideas of nationalism continue to divide them? The film is intelligent in its exploration of these complexities and offers strong performances and camerawork to delineate the same.
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