L For... | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee December 21, 2020

L For...

By Bharati Kapadia with 6.4

poetry · Short Films · english

The narrative of the film employs only the words of a spoken performance to bring to life an engagement with love and the many aspects that constitute it.

From its several forms to consequences to ramifications to meanings, it conjures them all in a high-paced, calculated manner, using a skilled voiceover. This is further achieved by employing nothing, but single words thrown at the viewer rapidly one after the other. Names are invoked (Vincent? Orlando?). Emotions are spoken of, sentiments are allowed an expression, and in this manner, the narrative is given a structure of a beginning, middle and end, all the while only conversing with the numerous meanings of the word 'love'. The film also earns brownie points as an inclusive endeavour for the second half of the narrative is then conveyed entirely through sign language.
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