In Loving Memory | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee February 5, 2021

In Loving Memory

By Bharadwaj Munimanikyam with 6.5

drama · Short Films · telugu

When the film opens, the viewer has little idea of what they are in for. Soon, we see a daughter arriving to take care of the last rituals and customs following her father's bereavement. We are further taken into a world of compassionate neighbours, social media outpouring of condolences and the woman preparing to donate her father's things to an old age home.

The first prominent instance of unease comes in the form of a little girl's refusal to enter the house despite the protagonist's welcoming invitation. It is at this moment that we begin to realise that something is deeply amiss. Simply the sounds from a laptop, minus any visuals, are sufficient to invoke a terrible reality, one that includes the collective trauma of several victims and survivors, and the monster who inflicted it.

The film has a very important message, especially specific to Indian society. The narrative, in the process, becomes a devoted attempt to raise awareness about a particular kind of sexual abuse and assault on those who are not equipped to protect themselves.
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