Hind | Short Film of the Day

Short Film of the Day May 9, 2024


By Sumit Aroraa with 7.6

documentary · Short Films · hindi

In an ideal world, all religions have one name and that's faith. It unites all devotees and believers with a common thread, and this short film gives us a glimpse of this perfect universe. Hind takes the viewer into the life of Noorul Hasan, a Muslim from Lucknow, who gave away a part of his house to rebuild a temple.

In a world which is constantly in the grasp of hate-mongering and sensationalist headlines, this film by Sumit Aroraa is the kind of art we need. Even in the face of all communal disharmony being perpetrated by a few for their own motives, there is another aspect of the picture which is more colourful and beautiful and therefore should be looked at closely. It's these colours that Hind will draw your attention to, and leave you with a sense of hope and love, irrespective of how dark things may seem.
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