Ekale Ishwarah | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee September 23, 2020

Ekale Ishwarah

By Maneesh Kaushik with 6

horror · Short Films · hindi

A man desperately bangs on John’s door and forces himself in. He is running away from zombies and cannibals who are chasing him. It is the time of apocalypse and everyone infected by the deadly virus has turned into a zombie.

The film begins at this high point of intensity, and soon brings in ideas of religion and spirituality. The survivor reveals his name as Haridas whose sole purpose of visit seems to be to convert men of other religions into Hinduism. He gives long encomiums on Hinduism and the discussion between John an Haridas becomes a drawn-out battle over the superiority of their respective religions. The film is clear in the intentions and message it wants to convey, one of the futility of discord over imagined differences. However, it could have benefited from a crispness of a tighter narrative.
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