Drushyam | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee March 24, 2020


By Shrisha Nayak Yellare with 6

thriller · Short Films · kannada

The short film is the age-old story of fragile male ego, patriarchal oppression and a false sense of power that needs to be reenforced consistently. It is about a jilted lover abducting the woman who has turned him down in no equivocal terms. The thought to abduct her is planted in his head by his friend, leading to her physical and sexual assault.

Unsure of what to do with her once they are done ravishing her, they subject her to a gory death, further emphasising the brutality of their nature and the violence inherent in the very act of the assault. The film wants to add to the conversation around gender, but does not entirely go all the way in achieving it. Additionally, the storytelling would have gained from fine-tuning of the visuals and the narrative.
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