Bossikoron: How To Tame Your  Boss | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee February 1, 2021

Bossikoron: How To Tame Your Boss

By Sushrut Bhowmik with 6

comedy · Short Films · bengali

The story takes the viewer into the misadventures of Bratin, a man who finds it difficult to be with the woman he likes from a distance, or perform at his job in his workplace. His rival ends up taking the credit for his idea, as he also successfully woos his love interest, while the protagonist is left by himself to toil for long hours in his office.

The narrative moves swiftly from one setting to another, also trying to invoke emotions of isolation and sadness as Bratin is turned into a laughing stock by his colleagues. At the end of his rope, he then turns to astrology, and mysterious potions and tablets provided by a godwoman of sorts called Mata Madonna.

Bossikoron endeavours to invoke humour by placing its characters in unlikely and absurd situations. The narrative is marked by a few rough edges which can be more evenly rounded off in future projects by the team. As for Bratin, who is faced with an overbearing mother, rivalry of a competitive colleague, rejection in love, how or will he eventually find the path that leads to his desired life?
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