Balmiki | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee July 28, 2023


By Biswajit Kuldi with 6.7

drama · Short Films · odia

A young man speaks with another called Bramha. The latter is hesitant to share the story of his past at first. However, soon he opens up, and a narrative marked by intrigue and darkness unfolds. The storytelling ropes in philosophical and existential questions about morality, right and wrong, sinning, and repentance. There is also the suggestion of bad deeds catching up with the doer, ensuring that they are unable to break out of the cycle of their malicious actions.

The film further invokes the binary of the two identities and lives of the same man, the sage Balmiki and the dacoit Dashyu Ratnakar. The duality prevails throughout the narrative, expressing its ideas and messages with clarity and ease at the film’s conclusion, leaving one with a story crafted with care and meticulousness.
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