Akshamya | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee July 2, 2021


By Amey Musmade with 6.2

sci fi · Short Films · english

The narrative of Akshamya chooses to locate itself two decades in the future where society has advanced by leaps and bounds in terms of technology. However, the world is at the brink of war as Ra prepares to go into battle and vanquish his enemies. Before the events come to be, he is visited by a woman from the opposing side. She has come to see him not as a diplomat or ambassador, but as a mother asking Ra to not participate in the war that would determine the fate of not only the human race, but also her son.

As the conversation progresses, crucial details are revealed about the plot, the ruler of the land who is called the Great One, along with unexpected revelations about the past. The final result exhibits sincerity, but a little fine-tuning in the department of lighting would have allowed it to be more than what it already is.
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